Friday, February 4, 2011

Fleeting thoughts

Blogging thoughts catch me unawares and that too at the most random times...

It's the weekend and hence the marathon movie sessions commence...Just wrapped up watching the first one and well; it set me analysing the two movies I watched recently :127 hours and Dhobi Ghaat.

The first was shot at it's natural best and did complete justice to the story...the second fell short of what could have been a fantastic film instead of mere photogenic visuals.

127 hours was brutal and one which would keep you glued to the screen in anticipation of what follows next.It was almost a single actor who pulled it off with amazing expertise..The tagline 'every second counts' literally kept me counting seconds while watching it.

On the contrary,Dhobi Ghat aimed to portray the character of Mumbai in a different light but couldn't attain the niche or match the hype which was attributed to it..It had different storylines which could be blended in a much better way..But yeah it had it's share of strong points as well.

Personal favs from the movie: the videos which proved to be the artist's inspiration for his work and the flash of Britannia and Co without the Berry Pulao!

That said, here is a pic of the chef and his muse ;)

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